World of Soul: Nishante Divinelove

World of a Soul: I have lived and I had chosen to live the human/ chaotic/ ego/ narcissistic world. Even when I wasn’t of this ego world I chose to live it. It took great will on my part to walk away from my own world. World of my SOUL. I have seen what this ego world can do and it is total destruction to oneself. I didn’t realize until I hit rock bottom. And then going through the process of finding what is happening in my world I realized the reason I chose to be part of this chaotic human world was because I was different and being different was something that was not accepted in this ego world so to be accepted I used my will against my own soul to be something I am not. Then came a time again where I wanted to accept me being different but ‘it, ego’ told me it is selfish to show and be my own greatness another blow to my own world where I chose to not look at me the true me but spend years of my life being something else that I am not just because this voice told me so. I gave it my power, my focus, my attention practically allowed this destruction to control my life, my every choice, action, word and created hell in my own life walking this path. So yes I have lived this ego world and no I am not at all impressed by it nor pride it nor I ever want to be part of this world ever. So now all the time that I spend not being my trueself I had to spend it now to clean it up and undo everything I had created and unlearn and learn or rather remember my trueself now because I made this choice when I was very very very young. So of course what I should have learned as a kid to be true self now I have to learn it from scratch. But that’s ok it’s never too late. I choose to live in my world now. And no I have no regrets whatsoever nor I have fear of any kind to sway me away from it again. Nope not doing it. World of soul is where peace, harmony, balance, love live. That which has meaning and purpose to wake up everyday to serve the greater good. And no one cannot have both ways. You want soul you be soul completely and totally in every fiber of your being. You want ego then be ego. So souls before it’s too late while you can choose to be you, the soul. If you are like me then you will have to unlearn and remember who you are by connecting to your own higher mind and soul. It does not look like ego world at all. It’s not difficult at all. What is making it difficult is your own choice of staying in this ego world. Where your ego has convinced you this is you and this is your world and there is nothing beyond so you are not suppose to look anywhere within but only outside of you. It has created people, things, situations in your life so that it can show you how real it is but it is not. It is covering up for you to see your own greatness and who you are within. World of ego has no growth, no knowledge no wisdom at all. As a soul we always crave for growth and that you will find by being your trueself, soulself. So the choice is yours! Choose the World of SOUL Or live the World of Ego. As simple as that.

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