Wheel of the Season- Lughnasadh Blessings 2024

Blessings of the Harvest, Blessings of the Seeds,
blessings shall it be.
Blessings of the Land, Blessings of the Sky
blessings of a sacred marriage
a marriage of bounty and promise
blessings of the queen and her consort
Blessings of the Harvest, Blessings of the Seeds
blessings of the wheel of the season
of gatherings and storytelling
of shorter days and longer nights
of feasting grain and corn
Blessings of The Harvest, Blessings of the Seeds,
blessings of gratitude
of walking and being
of death and resurrections
Blessings of The Harvest, Blessings of the Seeds,
blessings of the harvest spirit
of joy and heart
of love and happiness
may it bless our bounty and harvest
lady of the land and the Sun of the Sky.
blessings of the soul
and blessings shall it be.
-Lady Nishante
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