Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- May 23, 2022- May 29, 2022- Divination- Sweet Violet

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Sweet Violet’s reflection this week is about unwrapping the truth and honoring your inner sanctum.

Violet whispers, each of us has a sacred heart that needs nuturing and protection. This sacred inner sanctum is like a nursery for our deepest, most authentic self. It’s here that new truths are born and, when allowed, grow strong before being armored in rationality and sent out into the world.

Honor the truths being born within you. Make a promise to hold space within to grow into your truest self. Respect others truth but learn your truth, know your truth follow only your truth that belongs to your higher mind and soul by going within. This week is the beginning of stepping into your own truth, accepting your truth, your own trueself as the divine consciousness that you are.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–May-23-2022–May-29–2022–Divination–Sweet-Violet-e1itmib

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