Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- May 16, 2022- May 22, 2022- Divination- Herbiary Oracle

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This week’s soul energy reflection is about paying attention, letting the magick in, trusting the magick that you are, being one with our higher mind and soul and defying gravity. Great week ahead of us with an abundant message for all of us.

I would like to explore the last card for us defying gravity by Reishi. Reishi mushroom is the Yoda of the plant world, helping us assimilate life’s experiences and turn them into wisdom. The taoists teach that reishi can show us where our power lies. Power lies within us not outside of us. Power is in believing in ourselves, trusting in who we are within and in choosing the path of our heart, our soul and higher mind. When we start to doubt ourselves and question others about what they think about us, what they feel about us, do they like us or not, why arent they appreciating us, asking for validation? What we are actually doing in reality is giving away our power, our right to choose for ourselves in someone else’s hands that have no clue about who we are, heck they dont have a clue about who they are most of the time too. So take a step back this week. Step back from doubting yourself and stepping into self awareness. Step back from questioning and seeking answers outside of yourself and step into your heart, the soul, the magick and let your soul in, magick in so they can show you who you are.

This is about you. Your life is about you. Others can tell you but they cannot walk for you. We all come with our path already designed. All we have to do is look within, meditate, connect to our soul to know the path. It is not a daunting task rather freeing if you will. Reishi points to the path and lets you walk it. She wants you to find your own strength and if you are willing to do the work, Reishi will help you transform from the inside out.

So this week is about transformation, coming into one’s power, claiming your power back. Defying everything that stands in your way of you being in your power. The thing that makes you vital and alive and feeds your soul. Step into your super power.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–May-16–2022–May-22–2022–Divination–Herbiary-Oracle-e1ij4sb

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