Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- March 28, 2022- April 3, 2022- Divination- Rune

The week’s soul energy reflection keywords are intuition, concern, counseling, revelation, change, empowerment, endurance, attaining spirituality, change, easy transition in life, relationship with self.

So beginning of the week is about going deeper. Rune laguz represents hidden movement below the surface. You may not be able to see it but things are moving. It also represents the place of your subconscious mind where hopes, fears, birth and destruction meet. It invites you to connect with your own higher mind and soul to seek your own inner truth. And as we move into the middle of the week we have ehwaz. Ehwaz requires of you to have faith and trust in your own truself. It asks you to As you move align yourself with your trueself as you step into positive movement of inner harmony and inner wholeness. The week closes with fehu. Money, property, fulfilment, good luck, personal power and goals acheived. Fehu will ativate higher minds will, restore self confidence and map out the dreams and goals that foretells success, fame and adavancement all round. Now if you struggling, unable to manifest your trueself you will have hard times. No excuse. The key to being a divine soul, to be the abundance, success and magick is to manifest your higher mind and soul. No excuse. Remember by listening and following your mind, ego will get you no where. Break away from the negative and step into the positivity of your heart. ‘Excuses’ are of the mind, ‘trying’ is of the mind. As a divine soul we take charge and get into doing and being. Choosing and taking action. Be aware of how your mind stops you from being who you are and connecting to your own divine self.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–March-28–2022–April-3–2022–Divination–Rune-e1gbt24

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