Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- March 14, 2022- March 20, 2022- Divination- Eihwaz Rune

This weeks soul energy reflection is Eihwaz Rune.

Keywords: Shelter, Change, Creation, Empowerment, Endurance, Choice

Magickal Uses: Attaining Spirituality, brining about change, easing transitions in life, conscious aware of your choices.

This rune has a strong feminine symbolism. It potrays the personality of a powerful women who is capable of bringing good or bad. Changes are a toss up, it maybe positive or negative. Whether its good or bad in the end it will be exactly the change that was necessary to benefit your life. You maybe entering a cycle of rebirth or fresh starts. This rune has a strong association with the death card in tarot. Death, change, Initiation. This is a powerful rune that amplifies major changes internally as well as externally. Choose only what belongs to your higher mind and soul. Our higher mind and souls choices always serve the greater good of self, planet and order. If you make choices from your mind it may look good for now but in the long run you will see the consequenses you paid or will pay for the choices you made that was directed by your mind which was not to serve the greater good. Be mindful this week, embrace the change, be the change. Change is a constant hence do not fear change. One can only fear change when they know there life choices, faith, trust, awareness are not based on serving the greater good of there trueself, heart, soul, planet and order.

Have a great Week. Will see you Next week.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–March-14-2022–March-20-2022–Divination–Eihwaz-Rune-e1fm1nn

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