Weekly Soul Energy Reflection-July 25, 2022 – July 31, 2022- Divination- Geomancy

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This week’s soul energy reflection is Rubeus. Rubeus in a geomantic chart is a challenging figure that stands for passion, pleasure, fierceness and violence. You can picture this image as a goblet turned upside down. It means a walk on the wild side. Rubeus is a figure of passion and involvement in life, balancing the abstract detachment of Albus ( another geomantic figure which means goblet set upright) So the lesson here is that passionate involvement in the world comes from focusing on how we relate to ourselves first, is how we relate to others and so the world will show you how you relate to yourself. We cannot expect others and the world to relate to us kinder, loving, undertanding if you yourself is not kind and loving to your own inner being higher mind and soul. Are you taking the time to stay still, spend time with your soul and higher mind? talk to them? know who they are?

Full podcast here:

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–july25-2022–July-32-2022–Divination–Geomancy-e1ll8nc

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