Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- July 11, 2022- July 17, 2022- Divination- Animal Spirit Guides- Chimpanzee

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” Use both your intuition and your intellect to solve the problem or get answers to your questions”

This week’s soul energy reflection guidance is from our animal spirit guide chimpanzee. Chimpanzee is here to remind us to turn our intellect to our inner wisdom, to our higher mind and soul. When you are in harmonious accord with your higher mind and soul, there’s no problem you cannot solve. And before the problem shows up you would already have the solution and the know how to deal with it. In the flow of thought and action that results in revolving your question or problem this way, you may surprise yourself as to how simple and effective the answer really is. This week is a reminder to all of us to stay on our path. Stay connected to our higher mind and soul at all times. Do not fall into old habits and patterns which you have already let go of. Recognize when you fall back, ask your higher mind and soul for the awareness and solution and if you dont get the answer right away wait for it. You will be guided and rest assured you are protected. So stay in the moment. Be patient and alert.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–July11–2022–July-17-2022–Divination–Chimpanzee-e1l2gdn

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