This week’s soul energy reflection message is from Duir (Pronounced “DOO-er”): Oak. Oak’s Celtic name is Duir and it is derived from the word Druid or Druidess, the Celtic person who has mastered memory, intuition, healing, knowing and magic. Oak represents courage, endurance, protection, power of faith and change for the better. The divinatory meaning is success, security, forward movement, you have all you need to accomplish your goals. A door opens in the outer world this week. Oak tree endures what others cannot and provides you with strength, insight, magick to accomplish whatever it is that you want. But you have to have faith, trust and believe in you, your soul and higher mind. As the tree of Dagda, Oak also carries the warning that stubborn strength that resists will not endure and may break under strain. And most of the time the stubborn resistance to endure comes when we open doors to ‘others’ and allow them to have a say in our lives. Life is simple. Simple rules. If you want to endure in all areas of your life and yes, it is possible and doable then one must only listen to one’s soul and higher mind, trust and believe in your true self. You are here to endure not struggle. Ask for Duir to assist you if you need protection, courage, strength and or guide you in manifesting only that which belongs to your trueself.
How do I find Duir?
Hi Ruth, Duir is an oak tree. Celtics called them Duir. So, you can find an Oak branch and consecrate and then charge with whatever you desire Oak tree to help you with. Let me know how it goes! Nishante