Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- January 10, 2022- January 16, 2022- Divination- Dandelion Herbiary Oracle

This week’s soul energy reflection is about perseverance and learning to adapt.

Dandelion is bold, bright and sunny. She pushes through cracks in cement and worms her way into the mortar of stone walls. Cheerfully. Dandelion’s Medicine is perseverance. But not the perseverance of the martyr. Instead, dandelion is the eternal optimist: like the fool in the taro deck. She’s always happy to set off on a new adventure in hope of learning more and digging deeper. She’s not an airy optimist, though with no grounding in reality. Her roots are strong. She’s the shaman and the buddha, and her message is this: happiness is an inner landscape that has little to do with where you’re planted. When you ready to make your own journey- Whatever life throws at you- call on Dandelion.

Dandelion asks of us to reflect upon how can you, like Dandelion, adapt to the world around you? What little change can you make that will allow you to thrive in your current situation? If your mood turns sour and you’re unable to maintain Dandelion’s cheerfulness, ask yourself whether you need a mood adjustment or whether you’re pushing up against an obstacle that’s taking you off your true path. Remember perseverance is not about putting up with untenable situations; it’s about knowing the difference between that which is difficult but doable and that which is simply unhealthy for your soul.

On your walk, see if you can find Dandelion’s sunny face. If you want, smile back at her and you might find yourself tiny bit happier. I am already feeling happier just by the presence of her energy as I write this reflection. Finally, notice whether you come home from your visit with Dandelion feeling a bit more able to handle the ups and downs of modern life.

” I enter into the presence of Dandelion with gratitude for your presence, magick and guidance for our weekly soul massage”

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–January-10–2022–January-16–2022–Divination—Danelion–Herbiary-e1co9k2

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