Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- February 7, 2022- February 13, 2022- Divination- Dandelion- Herbiary Oracle Card

This week’s soul energy reflection is Dandelion.

Keywords are perseverance, bold, bright, joy, laughter and happiness.

She pushes through cracks in cement and worms her way into the mortar of stone walls. Cheerfully. Dandelion’s medicine is Perseverance. Dandelion has made her presence once before in our reading and she is here again to bring cheer to our lives. She is the eternal optimist, like the fool in the tarot deck. She’s always happy to set off on a new adventure in hope of learning more and digging deeper. Her roots are strong, grounded.

She is a shaman and the buddha and her message is: happiness is an inner landscape and a choice that you must make with every breadth of your living life no matter what the circumstance or situation. Learn to find blessing in every situation. Fear, doubt, suffering, lack is also a choice. You can choose to be you which is peace, joy, happiness and love which is our natural state of being or you can choose to be the ‘other’. Dandelion lives by example and she has chosen to be her true self be her true purpose. She plants seeds of happiness wherever she grows. Does she fear that she will die? does she fear or lack? does she feel she is alone? does she blame humans and look at humans that are trying to destroy her planet? does she fear she will not get food or oxygen to survive where humans are trying to destroy her planet. No. Still in the midst of chaos she thrives as a rightful queen of her kingdom. Because she knows she is important to the growth of her species and to the wellbeing of the whole planet. Do you know her magickal and healing abilities she brings to us? without her presence we would lose very important species that heal us just by her presence, her leaves roots help us to heal liver damage, skin disease, blood pressure etc. Be grateful and mindful and think how nature lives and thrives before you open your mouth filled with words of only negativity for yourself and others as if the entire universe’s problem is on your shoulder. You are the only one that creates the problems for you and so you are the only one that can correct it also. Take responsibility of your actions, words, thoughts and your choices.

Plant the seeds of your thoughts that are joyful, positive life affirming truth of your own inner divine soul and higher mind. When you are ready to make your own joy -whatever life throws at you. Call upon Dandelion.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–February-7-2022–February-13–2022–Divination–Dandelion-e1e1rbm

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Nishante DIVINELOVE – Spiritual Life Coaching, Intuitive Psychic Reader, Tarot/Rune Reader, Chakra/ Energy Healing, Twin Soul/ Twin Flame Relationship Guidance, Yoga

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