Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- February 28, 2022- March 7, 2022- Divination-Birth of Magick

Fairy Oracle Deck

keyword: Be Daring

This weeks soul energy reflection opens up with honesty, reaching for inner higher mind and souls awareness and birth of magick. This week is showing us to be honest with ourselves. Looking inward as to what is it that you are bringing to you. Are you liking what is coming back to you from your physical world? What are you creating in your spiritual world that is creating your physical life which you not liking? You are the creator of your life. If you not liking what is showing up in your world then you do have an opportunity to look at it differently, choose differently. And this change happens by going inward. If I want a new career but I have little to no confidence, I doubt and question and judge my abilities and capabilities? Then what am I bringing to me? I bring doubt, questioning my own confidence and talent my worth and value. And so that is what I am creating. So guess what is going to show up physically to me? People are going to doubt and question my abilities and capabilities. And will it be there fault? No. Because this is something that you created for you. If I was bringing self confidence then I would receive also self confidence. What you give is what you receive. So you are giving yourself doubt and what you receive is doubt too. To change this trend put a positive intention that your higher mind and soul desires for your life in every aspect. And as you become aware of your own inner truth and our week closes with birth of magick. New awareness, new beginnings, new positive trends, playing into the knowing of your own inner truth. Yes I know it is not that simple it takes commitment to oneself, perseverance and consistency. Change your life by changing what you bring to you. Choose to only bring that which belongs to your higher mind and trueself. Which is Oneness with your higher mind and soul and that is enough to live a comfortable life.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–28-February–6-March–2022–Divination–Birth-of-Magick-e1f0vaf

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