Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- February 14, 2022- February 20, 2022- Divination- Fairy Wisdom Oracle Card- Honesty

Card: Trouble; Keyword: Honesty

This card is telling you to keep your eyes open and your ears alert. Someone is not being as honest with you as they can be. This can be in business affairs or in a relationship. There is a stretching of the truth or a covering up of facts. You are likely to find out too late unless you pay attention. Bring your intuition into play and combine it with fact finding. No one can keep the wool over your eyes for very long! This card is also asking that you be scrupulous with your own words and deeds. Remember that what you send out is what you get back. This is the law of the universe. Be honest with yourself. Trouble can almost always be avoided by paying attention, choosing your words and actions wisely, and by listening to your higher self. Ask the fairies and angels to help you tap into your highest and best energy! Remember you do not need to draw negative situations into your life. Choose to bring joyful and positive situations instead. Sometimes the best action can simply be no action.

Truth is within me. Honest people surround me. I am guided in all things, to the perfect course of action. My world is bountiful, and i work with the tool of attraction. So be it.

Stir positive things up this week!

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–February-14-2022–February-20-2022–Fairy-Wisdom-Oracle-Card–Honesty-e1ebvrm

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