Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- April 4, 2022- April 10, 2022- Divination- Herbiary Oracle Cards

This weeks soul energy reflection is about between dreams, releasing rigidity and then ultimately tough love shows up to end our week around how you handle the ups and down of daily life. Its going to be quite a rocking week. Be very alert, mindful this week. Do not hastily make choices and take action without thinking and without talking to your higher mind and soul. Step back, calm and center yourself and then look at the scenario again. You will be able to gain clarity of the situation you dealing with and will know the solution. Stay cool is the message as we begin our week. Pay attention to your dreams, what your dream is showing you. These dreams will show you your own rigidity towards yourself which outplays in your situations and people showing up to you as very rigid. So look at the dream, release rigidity meaning release your beliefs about everything and replace it with divine love. Beliefs are what causes rigidity in our lives. Only believe whats true to your higher mind and soul. Stay grounded, keep cool, focused into the task at hand. No over analysing, no over thinking. Just stay manifested in the moment with your higher mind and soul. They are taking care of things. But if you take control from your soul and higher mind you may not be able to fix it but they can. So trust and let go and relax. Indugle in some self care this week. Let your higher mind and soul take care of you.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Soul-Energy-Reflection–April-4–2022–April-10-2022–Divination–Herbiary-Oracle-cards-e1gmfq7

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