This week’s soul energy reflection is Hawtorn. Hawthorn symbolizes love and protection, it is a sacred tree of magickal enchantment.
Message: Connecting to Home. Home is where the heart is and heart is where soul is and soul is who we are.
Beginning of the week hawthorn holds the portals open for us to connect to our own heart and soul and merge with the larger whole of our soul. As they say “As Above so Below”. It is about making that spiritual connection to your home through your heart as above and so below is connecting to your roots physically to the planet. For many souls this week will be an awkening call to come home to return to who you are within. The want, the desire, the need to be one with your heart, soul, higher mind and if you have a twin soul all will be in alignment for you to be a whole soul.
And for souls who are still struggling with connecting to your own soul the energy of hawthorn pushes you, uplifts you, clears away from being stuck and the shift you been waiting for will finally be there for you as well to make this journey home to your soul and be one with your soul as we conclude this week with the Celebration of Beltane.
Its going to be a power pack week. Embrace the soul that you are, the power that you are within and walk the path of love and heart fearlessly. When you are one with heart there is nothing to fear. Remember fear and love cannot live together. You choose love or fear. And once you make a choice then your next step will be shown. And you keep on following step by step and you will reach where you need to be.