Weekly Soul Divination- September 4, 2023- September 10, 2023- Faery Blessings


A Blessing of the Wild Within- The Faery Gift of the Untamed Heart

WITHIN ME is a wild Place, a place that is pure and untouched by conditioning and should and should-nots…and it is to this place the Faery blessing of the wild within comes and rests and takes root within me this day. This Faery blessing is a calling back to my wild self, to the self that has been shaped and pummeled by the forces of family and culture and manner and jobs and timetables and by all of the things in the human world that has caged me. And so the Fae offers me this shining blessing, which returns me for a moment to my own wild within, so I can remember what it felt like to be natural, to be unthinking and uncensored, to be innocent and dancing, to move when called to, to have that primal, instinctual self take hold and fly with my soul and higher self.

I accept this blessing and allow that wild within flow all the way through me, and i find places and space in my life to allow the wild within to have its moment- dance without fear of judgment; speak, words falling like waterfalls from my lips; sing and use the voice the great gift of nature has offered me; and never feel awkward or strange or like i do not fit in..instead knowing i am a deep part of all that is around me, and that somehow, by my presence, i ignite a little of that wild within inside every soul i meet.

May the blessings of the wild within me offer you a return to the natural, most innate parts of you, and let them arise and dance and sing and be loving towards all. Let the untamed heart of you warm all that is about you, and bring you back to that sense of deep belonging to the earth, and to the stars. Blessings of the Faery gift of the wild within to you.

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