Weekly Soul Divination- September 25, 2023- October 1, 2023- Rune- Laguz

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Lagus Keyword: Flow, Emotions, Potential, Intuition, Concern, Counseling, Revelation.

Magickal Uses: Improving psychic abilities, revealing hidden things, reducing emotional disorders.

The energy of Lagus represents love, water, travels over seas and depicts endless possibilities. The place of that unconscious mind where hopes, fears, birth and destruction meet. It invites you to discover your own higher mind and the connection with it and others. It represents your spiritual self and the fact that the seeds that you plant there will manifest into your life. It’s time to bring your fears to the surface, face them and dare to be honest with yourself. There are psychic powers in each of us and you can access them through spiritual development.The stormy times will end and harmony will be found. Choosing the easy path isn’t always the best choice. Sometimes you need to wait for the gate to open so you get what you truly need and deserve.

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