Weekly Soul Divination- November 13, 2023- November 19,2023- Rune Dagaz

Rune Dagaz 580x386 1

Translation: Day
Keywords: Security, happiness, clarity, satisfaction
Magical Uses: Reaching a higher level of consciousness, attracting positivity
Associated with light. Winters are cold and dark and when spring comes it brings new life, changes and
rebirth of nature. Dagaz is that light and it indicates that the light has won over the darkness. It points to
changes and the end of hardships. These changes are not in the future either they are happening right

Financial: Urges to keep your eyes open and mind alert because the life changes prosperity, new career
path, promotion or other kind of professional breakthrough is already available and it might present
itself to you at any time. Let the hardships go because they no longer belong in your reality and focus
your attention on the bright side. This will let you see opportunities and you may realize that what you
have been working for is already in your life. Embrace the good in your life.

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