Weekly Soul Divination- 12-11-2023- 12-17-2023-Ingwaz Rune

F Runic letter ingwaz variant 2

Keywords: Creativity, productivity, work, potency
Magical Uses: Improving fertility, reaching goals
Ing is one of the alternative names for Freyr (Frayer) the Norse god of agriculture. Legend says that
Freyr travelled around the Earth in a chariot, dispensing fertility and happiness to his people. A small
seed can grow into a mighty tree but the potential of that seed is ensured from within. Life and creation
don’t come from the outside and that is what this rune represents. This is a rune of strong family, safety,
protection, healthy sexuality and inspiration that comes from within. A seed planted from within has all
of the potential inside of it to grow, prosper and manifest all that is needed. The key is balance and
through balance spirituality grows and becomes stronger. Fertility, natural cycles and agriculture
reminds us of the importance of perseverance and patience and invites you to spend more time in
nature. Simply observing natural process can teach us a lot on the ways to grow spiritually. Activities in
nature help balance on all levels, body, mind and soul, all at the same time. This is a rune of inner
growth and teaches us not to get discouraged when things don’t happen right away or there seems to be
a standstill. Just like a seed it need time to rest and germinate before actively growing. Everything is
well so keep working and remember that harmony comes from within you.
General: This rune of inner potential, creation and completion can indicate the end of a cycle or new
beginnings. It is a positive sign of harmony and love in relationships and of your strength. It is drawn to
bring good news and invites you to spend time in nature where you can learn by observing.

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