Weekly Reflections- 6/27/21- 7/3/21- Divination Word- Retreat- Nishante Divinelove

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This weeks reflection invites us to Retreat. The energy asks us to be still, slow down, pause and look within to our own sanctuary, our soul. Retreating, taking time out to meditate, walk in nature in silence and observation can be daunting right? When our minds are going 100 miles per hour of doing this and that, worrying about what happened in past, then worrying about future? Next 5- 10 years what will happen, months, days, hours? Am I a good person? Am I doing it right? Or have I got it all wrong? Hmm never ending story isn’t it? Notice how your thoughts never lets you be quiet? Never lets you stay in the present. Learn to be in the present without your thoughts. You can control your thoughts not the other way around. In the present you will meet your soul. Your soul is not in past nor future but present. For a change sit with yourself in silence and just breathe. Look at a leaf, blade of grass, tree, plant, observe and immerse yourself into its beauty and glory of its magnificence. Notice it’s shape, texture, colors. Watching nature is more fascinating than those constant yammering thoughts of ours. Only by focusing inward will one find peace, will one find oneself. Will one know what one needs to change, release, let go in order to maintain this peace all day everyday and to live divinely. Retreat to the oneness of your soul.

Affirmation: I am now one with the peace within me.

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