Weekly Reflections -6/20/21-6/26/21- Divination- Seed

Affirm: I am one with the spiritual world of my true self. 

This week the energy invites us to reflect on the Seed. The soul of the seed. A seed is brought to life by its soul and the soul of the seed here is Gaea, Mother Earth. Without the soul, without Mother Earth the physical form which is the seed has no value until the soul breathes and gives life to its physical form, the seed. You the physical form has no value until your soul gives you the seed the life that your soul has designed for you. You are the seed of your soul. In order for you to thrive, to grow, to know how to live, what is best for you, your purpose as the seed of your soul one must connect with the soul isn’t it? If the seed starts to look at other seeds and wants to grow how other seeds are growing and not how it soul wants the seed to grow what do you think will happen? The seed will struggle, the seed will grow painfully because it focused on other seeds than its own. Without your own souls awareness, knowledge, breadth one cannot grow and know there true self. Every seed has its own purpose to serve and to know its purpose that seed must look to his/ her own soul not to anyone else or anything outside of its soul. If GAEA is the soul of a seed then Gaea knows what that seed is capable of doing, what is best for that seed. Does the seeds best interest, purpose is to become a tree, flower, blade of grass what is the seed’s purpose is what soul decides not the physical form. So your soul already has decided and knows what the seed, you is all about. From the birth of the seed, you till your life’s end your soul has designed her/his seed’d life already. No one outside of me can know that because they are not my soul, not my source of knowledge, information not my path. Be the seed of your soul and watch the magick. Magick comes from being one with our trueself, one with our spiritual world. 

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