Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of August 2 – August 8, 2021 by Lady Dyanna

This week’s oracle reading is from Faery Godmother Oracle Cards by Peters & Dhemiah-Meacham

The card for this week is Identity

Let’s drop the mask, time to be free. Reveal your true identity, shimmer, sparkle, wear bright red. Party hard, or stay in bed. Do what you will, t’ain’t no fuss. It’s your life, be fabulous.

Reveal the real you. You know that is, but does anybody else? You are desperate to show the world who you really are, but fear the reactions. What if you are rejected in some way? Are you brave enough to expose your true nature? Having played this façade for so long, you now go out of your way to be who others expect you to be.

This has become all very tiresome, however. It would make life a lot easier if you didn’t have to pretend any longer for the sake of keeping the peace. You no longer wish to be cloaked and masked but are still reluctant to let these props go. Because this disguise is your security and has served you well, up until now. But imagine how amazing it would be to get dressed every day in whatever clothing you felt would express who you really are and how you really feel. Think of how freeing it would be to act in the way appropriate to your true personality. How wonderful it would be to admit your genuine likes and dislikes and to act accordingly, never minding the judgment and opinions of others. But what would happen if you dropped the act? How would others react when they realize you are not all who you appeared to be? Would you be treated differently? Ask yourself these questions and do not be afraid to admit the truth. Only can you then decide whether you are brave enough to be your authentic self or continue to hide within a world of deception? My faery friends and I will support you as you take the brave steps towards revealing your true identity. You only have to call me and I will surround you with protection as you hold your head up high and announced to the world who you truly are.

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