Weekly Magick of Symbolism BOAT

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Magickal properties of a BOAT: As an artist and a textile designer I always design and paint elements based on who they are. And I love painting and designing boats, reading about boats, boat photography, museums of boats, boat stories. Just love its magick it brings to my soul. It has its own beautiful energy. It is a piece of art, classic, stylish, timeless soul. If you see a persons home having a boat painting, or a boat sculpture or handicraft of a boat you will always find a beautiful elegant energy to the home. It has a very beautiful sensual love that it brings to a home and a persons life.

small paper boats in water wallpaper thumb

It is interesting to note the energy and magick of a boat versus a ship? Quite a difference there. Boat to me is more personal than ship. Boat is more timeless, classic, historic than a ship. But ship has its own magick and we will talk about that later. But boat is my love. It is my soul boat, my soul vehicle. The magick of a boat to me is discovery, love, journey, destination, adventure, travel, explorer, afterlife, art, dream, sound, passion, forever, elemental of earth, air, fire and water, escape, home, study, reading, intellect, nature, lover, calm, a friend, happiness, knowledge, imagination, tales, stories, time, history, mythical creatures, magick, soul.

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