Weekly Magick of Symbolism- Action

Magickal Properties of Action: Is Being: When my higher mind was weeding my small dwarf spruce tree my higher mind made me aware of the action. Asked what the action my higher mind was taking is doing? and I replied it is weeding out what is not needed on the tree. Like cutting the dead branches. And so, what does this taking action mean symbolically, she asked? And then it dawned on me that the action meant that I was also weeding everything out of my own life at the same time that which does not belong to my higher mind and trueself. Another way to release and let go. If I wasn’t aware of this, I would have lost the magickal opportunity that the tree was offering me with some extra booster dose to weed things out of my life that I was holding onto. This way it was easy for me to let go because of my awareness in its symbolic message. The magick of the tree and my higher mind makes it possible to just let go. So, by becoming aware of our actions, we get to see what the action represents symbolically. Is it creating what you want or is it creating what you don’t want in your world? What is your action showing you wanting you to be aware of? Pay attention to your action is when you will know whether your higher mind is in control, or you have stepped in and taken control from your higher mind.

Life is symbolic including our physical form. What we say, our doing, our choices, actions are sacred and symbolic in nature. Every action has a purpose, sacredness to it. Being mindful of your action and then putting intention behind your actions makes you aware of your choices, aware of your higher mind and soul and keeps those negative worries, concerns, emotions and feelings out. It is about taking charge of you, being in control of you, being responsible, not letting things slide, being in the knowingness, mindfulness, sacred, symbolic process, creating, giving birth to new beginnings, gratitude, love, magick, healing.

The other thing about action is who is taking the action? is it your higher mind and soul or the body has taken control from higher mind? Be aware of the who. When actions are done by higher mind and trueself it always serves the greater good of the environment and the balance between order and chaos and creates magick. Be your trueself!

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