Weekly Healing Crystal- Blue Topaz- Crystal Dawn

Element:  Air

Natural blue topaz is very light in color and irradiation produces blue topazes of darker hues. Topaz with naturally blue color is very rare. 

Blue Topaz can keep the digestive system healthy and functioning properly. It can also combat eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia. It’s also known to protect the nerves and improve metabolism. Blue Topaz works with the spinal column. It can help regulate the actions of the heart as well. It can be used to ease inflammations, discomforts, and pains associated with arthritis. The healing energies can be useful in the treatment of mumps, tonsillitis, and whopping cough. It is associated with the Third eye and Throat Chakra.

Blue Topaz is a stone of peacefulness, calming to the emotions, and ideal for meditation and connecting with spiritual beings. It is a natural magnifier of psychic abilities, assisting those who wish to attune to inner guidance, as well as those who serve others through readings or spiritual healing. It will inspire creativity, increase your attention span, and help you achieve perfection in various projects and endeavors.

Blue Topaz is a good luck charm

Keywords: intuition, power, communication, vitalizing

Affirmation: I am a high achiever.

Crystal Dawn carries a full line of magickal, and spiritual supplies as well as aromatherapy and wellness products. 

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