Weekly Energy Reflection- November 8, 2021-November 14, 2021- Divination- Feather by Nishante Divinelove

Weekly energy reflection is always about reflecting on your own energy, soul and what your energy wants you to know, be aware of. Divination is a way to commute to our guides, messenger spirits whichever form and shape they are in to give us the nudge, guidance in our journey to being one with our true self.

Now lets look at what the energy of feather has to tell us about this week’s energy. Feather means the wind, element of air. The realm of birds, and even the Creator itself. Feather has myriads of magickal and symbolic meaning and purpose to our lives. But this special spirit tells us there are opportunities coming your way, it brings message of faith.

The meaning of opportunities is chance, risk, possibility. Feather means float, move, movement. And its magickal purpose is good luck, communication, harmony, unity, prosperity, good health, nature, plants and animals, fertility and so forth. 

So what it is telling us that in order for you to see opportunities be in finances, health, wealth, career, relationships in the physical world one must have faith in oneself, be open and willing to look inside there own spiritual world of thoughts and beliefs and let go that which does not serve you. Everything is first manifested in the spiritual world then it comes to physical. Hence feather being an air element, guardian of knowledge and wisdom. It brings us opportunities to look within to our higher mind and soul for there awareness, knowledge and understanding of whatever may be going on. Opportunities must not be looked as not enough, loss or failure. If the energy of opportunity wants you to walk away from a relationship, job then that is the energy that you needed in order for you to pursue what is meant for you and take that step, action that you may be looking for or you may be holding off on. So a loss is also an opportunity. Its all about how you look at them. Have faith in your trueself to come through for you. And whatever the outcome always will serve the greater good of you when it comes from within.

Thank you for reading and listening to our podcast. See you all next week.

Podcast link: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Energy-Reflections–Nov-8-14–2021–Divination–Feather-e19u3fs

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