WEEKLY ENERGY REFLECTION-December 6, 2021 – December 12, 2021-Divination-Green Fairy- Nishante Divinelove

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nishantedivinelove/episodes/Weekly-Energy-Reflection–December-6–2021–12–2021–Divination–Green-Fairy-e1ba8ii

This week’s energy reflection divination is the Green Fairy from our Fairy Wisdom Oracle cards by Amy Bown.

Keyword: Healing

Green is the color of healing and growth. Green fairy is here to tell us of healing in progress, a need for healing, or an ability to direct healing energy to yourself or others. If you are in need for a healing, focus your attention on the color of nature’s green grass, trees and foliage. Sit in nature, in the woods or a garden if possible. Inhale this green deep color into every cell of your body and bring this color out into your aura. Meditate with this color until you get an inner knowing that you are whole and complete within yourself. Ask the green fairies to assist you in your healing or with the healing with others. They are very skillful in their craft and are always ready to help. Be sure to offer thanks for their work. Just as the trees and flowers grow, so can your body, mind and spirit grow healthy and strong. In nature there is constant renewal.


Dear Green Fairies,

who live beside our realm.

Assist me that I may use the energy of the universe in the proper ways…

So that I only offer it up for a healing

So that I never force it upon another.

Keep my ego pure, that I give credit to spirit for the work done.

I give gratitude for the use of my being in the assistance of myself and others.

I ask that I remember that only spirit knows

who is to be healed and who is not, and that I accept this.

For who is to know what another has chosen to learn in this life?

So be it!

Buy yourself a plant today!

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