The Crystal Spirits Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Pyrite Inherent value, knowing your worth, self-appreciation, genuine abundance, and prosperity within

Weekly Crystal Oracle

Throughout the ages, humans have sought the James of the earth, the crystals whose beauty delighted the eye and whose powers could aid them in their quest to achieve a sense of safety and abundance. They recognized the intrinsic value of these gifts from nature, and when Pyrite Spirit appears, you are meant to appreciate the abundance that the Conscious Universe has provided -an abundance of opportunities, resources, support, and most importantly love.

A scarcity mentality will prevent you from seeing all that is available to you, and you are called now to offer thanks for the myriad gifts you have been given to help you achieve balance. As you take your healing journey, you will find it easier and easier to recognize that you will always have what you need. Abundance awaits as you ready yourself to claim it. The Conscious Universe has your back. What you need will not be denied you at this time, so open yourself to receiving it by practicing appreciation

Relationship Message

Pyrite Spirit has a clear message for you: observe and appreciate the inherited value in your experiences and relationships. Those small moments of joy as you interact with the ones you love, those people around you who offer you support – do you stop to appreciate the cumulative effects of your relationships with those who enhance your life? Today is a perfect day to do so.

And as you look at the inherent value of things, notice the wealth of wisdom you’re gaining as a result of a variety of experiences with a diversity of people. Pay attention to whether your relationships have inherent value. Are some simply ones you have accumulated, perhaps even starting to detract from your life? If they have no inherent value, let them go, for you are meant to experience relationships rich in love and support.

Prosperity Message

Prosperity shows up in different forms. Do you see and appreciate the inherent value in what you own, enjoy, and experience? Pyrite Spirit (also known as fool’s gold) reminds us that there is great value in many aspects of life, not just the material. This crystal spirit is here to draw your attention to all that is available to you-support, love, and resources – to build upon. You don’t have to do it all by yourself, for the Conscious Universe is your ally and wants you to experience prosperity. The road sometimes gets a little wonky, but only because you are being called to consider the riches you may be overlooking in your quest for more. Find the inherent value in what is yours the memories, experiences, and situations that have brought you here to the brink of a breakthrough, if you are willing to practice appreciation. Move away from the externally imposed systems of valuation and what others find worthy to determine and appreciate what is valuable to you. Pyrite Spirit we’ll show you how much you have and are manifesting to co-create your most abundant life.

Crystal Spirit Meditation

Pyrite has a very male energy to it. This tone aligns us with grounded action toward manifestation of abundance. It is sister us in learning to take action one step at a time toward a desired physical outcome. Meditate with this stone to tune in to the great value in all aspects of your life, the abundance and potentiality always available to you. Then you will be a magnet for prosperity.

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