Weekly Crystal Healing-Onyx-Crystal Dawn

Element: Earth

Onyx colors are translucent to opaque and occur in a wide range of colors including, white, yellow, red, brown, green, and black. The most common colors of this stone are black and white. Although onyxes may occur with bands of various colors, white and black layers are the most familiar. Gems with a black base color and a white upper layer are known as “true” or “Arabic onyx.”

Onyx strengthens the immune system, providing stamina and vitality to the body, and preventing relapses after illnesses. It is thought to improve cell regeneration and the regulation of fluids and to aid in the absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes. Onyx can help lessen symptoms of headache and is used to help strengthen the eyes and optic nerves.

Onyx teaches the appropriate use of power and focuses one’s energy and will into a positive force. It is an excellent tool for grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth, as well as facilitating alignment with Higher powers for guidance and strength. Onyx may be used to stimulate the psychic senses and engender a protective shield for those who offer spiritual counseling,

It calms nervousness, quells anxiety and fear, soothes tempers, and restores rational thinking and self-control. It emanates the energy of self-mastery, imparting self-confidence, focus, ease in one’s surroundings, and the gift of wise decision making. It lets flighty personalities move into a more stable way of life, and helps one explore new ideas, as well as to carry out even dreary tasks to completion.

Keywords: self-mastery, self-confidence, stamina, vitality 

Affirmation: I easily focus my will and energy on positive life-affirming actions.

Crystal Dawn carries a full line of magickal, and spiritual supplies as well as aromatherapy and wellness products. 

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