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Weekly Magick of Symbolism BOAT

Magickal properties of a BOAT: As an artist and a textile designer I always design and paint elements based on who they are. And I love painting and designing boats, reading about boats, boat photography, museums of boats, boat stories. Just love its magick it brings to my soul. It has its own beautiful energy. … Continue reading Weekly Magick of Symbolism BOAT

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Weekly Magick of Symbolism- Anchor

vintage anchor on the beach Magickal properties of Anchor- The first thing that comes to mind is, to hold the energy to an object, rest, voyage, steadfast, individuality, travel, magickal journeys, dream, strength, divine, direction, can withhold any storm, courage, will, power, protection weapon, magnet for attracting and manifesting.

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Weekly Magick of Symbolism- Action

Magickal Properties of Action: Is Being: When my higher mind was weeding my small dwarf spruce tree my higher mind made me aware of the action. Asked what the action my higher mind was taking is doing? and I replied it is weeding out what is not needed on the tree. Like cutting the dead … Continue reading Weekly Magick of Symbolism- Action

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Weekly Magick of Symbolism- Airplane

Magickal Properties of Airplane: I remember my first time sitting in an airplane when I was 10 years old. My first trip to USA. It was magick. That I could fly and go anywhere I want to. And ever since then 40 years later I have been flying and soaring as a lioness. Its magickal properties … Continue reading Weekly Magick of Symbolism- Airplane