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Weekly Healing Crystal: Pink Tourmaline — Crystal Dawn

Pink Tourmaline                   Element: Water Pink Tourmaline is a variety of Tourmaline that can be found in colors ranging from pale light pink to bright hot pink. It ranges in clarity from flawless transparent gems to opaque rough crystals. Wearing Pink Tourmaline throughout the day helps release […]Weekly … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Pink Tourmaline — Crystal Dawn

Weekly Healing Crystal: Beryl Morganite-Crystal Dawn

Element: Water Morganite is a pink to light purple variety of Beryl. Morganite attunes to the heart and the Heart Chakra. It cleanses the emotional body of stress and anxiety, old wounds, and hidden traumas. It supports the physical heart, strengthening its energy field and helping to establish its place of dominance in the aura. … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Beryl Morganite-Crystal Dawn