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Weekly Relationship Awareness May 23, 2022 – May 29, 2022, by Lady Dyanna — Your Spiritual Journey

“Trust is as necessary to a happy, healthy relationship as air is to the lungs. With it, a relationship can survive almost anything. Without it, almost nothing. Living in a world without trust is truly painful. When a person says, “trust is something that needs to be earned,” it’s a big sign that this person’s…Weekly Relationship … Continue reading Weekly Relationship Awareness May 23, 2022 – May 29, 2022, by Lady Dyanna — Your Spiritual Journey

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Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna

"The worst thing about lies is that they cause a person to doubt if they should trust so much. But the problem isn't too much trust, the problem is too many lies. Recognize when you can't trust a certain person anymore but don't let that spill over to all people. You'll never find true love … Continue reading Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna

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The Art of Focus: Tips to Improve Your Scrying and Dowsing- Ravenhawks’ magazine Magick for Mind Body and Soul

Focus may be defined as an event, object, or person that occupies the center of one’s attention. It is a primary concept and an essential skill in both divination and magick. It is also needed to effectively perform scrying and dowsing. The ability to focus is a requirement for any basic individual scrying session, but it is also a tool that … Continue reading The Art of Focus: Tips to Improve Your Scrying and Dowsing- Ravenhawks’ magazine Magick for Mind Body and Soul