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Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna

"If someone spends time going out of their way to harm others, it's really sad. It means they have no clue how precious and brief their own life really is. Don't waste any of your life being angry with them. To do so would be giving them power over your happiness. They will regretfully prove … Continue reading Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna


Thought for the week- Lady Dynna

"Never confuse self-love with big ego, the two are entirely different. A big ego requires a person to think they are better than others and will put others down in order to keep that perception. Self-love means you are your own best friend and you love, accept, consider, encourage, care for, and believe in yourself. … Continue reading Thought for the week- Lady Dynna

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Thought for the Week-by Lady Dyanna

Whether it is a friendship or a relationship, all bonds are built on trust. Without it, you have nothing. UnknownYou can’t just give up on someone because the situation is not ideal. Great relationships are not great because they have no problems. They are great because both people care enough about the other person to find … Continue reading Thought for the Week-by Lady Dyanna

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Weekly Reflections -6/20/21-6/26/21- Divination- Seed

Affirm: I am one with the spiritual world of my true self.  This week the energy invites us to reflect on the Seed. The soul of the seed. A seed is brought to life by its soul and the soul of the seed here is Gaea, Mother Earth. Without the soul, without Mother Earth the … Continue reading Weekly Reflections -6/20/21-6/26/21- Divination- Seed