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Weekly Energy Reflection- November 22, 2021 – November 28, 2021- Divination-Believe

Message: Believe This weeks' energy reflection is on your own Beliefs. Its about what you believe about you, your life and the choices you make based on these believes is exactly what is going to occur in your life. You know as a psychic intuitive life coach magick reader I get people saying to me … Continue reading Weekly Energy Reflection- November 22, 2021 – November 28, 2021- Divination-Believe

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Thought for the Week- Lady Dyanna

“People wonder how they can have faith when there seems to be no reason to have any. But that is the most important reason to have it. A belief is the spark, but it alone cannot sustain. It must be nourished with faith in order to grow and remain. The strength of positive beliefs and … Continue reading Thought for the Week- Lady Dyanna