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Twin Flame/ Twin Soul Relationship Stories- Nishante Divinelove

I have a client who is gay from India and has a twin soul relationship. She knew who she was but because of Indian culture, religion beliefs and beliefs systems she chose to not accept her true self, who she was on the inside and chose what her parents, family, friends, relatives wanted her to … Continue reading Twin Flame/ Twin Soul Relationship Stories- Nishante Divinelove

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Ways to celebrate Imbolc- Ravenhawks magazine for Mind Body and Soul

Celebrate Imbolc Ways to celebrate Imbolc now: Lighting candles, seeking omens of Spring, storytelling, cleaning the house, bonfires, indoor planting, stone collecting, candle kept burning dusk till dawn; hearth re-lighting if you use a fireplace or wood-burning stove in your home. This Sabbat is a time of cleansing and newborn lambs, a good time for … Continue reading Ways to celebrate Imbolc- Ravenhawks magazine for Mind Body and Soul