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Happy Thanksgiving- Message-Lady Nishante Divinelove —

May we know that it is divine mother’s grace and invitation that we are born on this divine feminine planet to experience her grace and bounty. May we know that we are guest on her land. May we know that this divine land will always live and thrive with you in it or not. May … Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving- Message-Lady Nishante Divinelove —

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Weekly Healing Crystal: Ruby- Crystal Dawn- Nishante Divinelove

Element: Fire Ruby color runs from pink to red, sometimes with a tinge of purple. There are wonderful star rubies: rutile needles make a star in the ruby. During the Middle Ages ruby was referred to as a carbuncle and was considered the king of gems, dedicated to the sun. Ruby symbolize passionate, physical love. Ruby … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Ruby- Crystal Dawn- Nishante Divinelove

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Weekly Energy Reflection- November 22, 2021 – November 28, 2021- Divination-Believe

Message: Believe This weeks' energy reflection is on your own Beliefs. Its about what you believe about you, your life and the choices you make based on these believes is exactly what is going to occur in your life. You know as a psychic intuitive life coach magick reader I get people saying to me … Continue reading Weekly Energy Reflection- November 22, 2021 – November 28, 2021- Divination-Believe

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WEEKLY ENERGY REFLECTION- November 15, 2021 – November 21, 2021- Divination- Rudolph Reindeer-Nishante Divinelove

This weeks energy reflection divination that is greeting us with his presence and guidance is our playful, humbling and a leader in his own right Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. From all of Santa's reindeer rudolf is my favorite reindeer. His energy represents journeying, wandering, safe travels, strength and endurance, wisdom, resourcefulness, cleverness, knowledge, creativity … Continue reading WEEKLY ENERGY REFLECTION- November 15, 2021 – November 21, 2021- Divination- Rudolph Reindeer-Nishante Divinelove

Thought for the Week — Lady Dyanna- Spiritual Life Coach-Intuitive Reader

“Never confuse self-love with big ego, the two are entirely different. A big ego requires a person to think they are better than others and will put others down in order to keep that perception. 60 more words Thought for the Week — Lady Dyanna- Spiritual Life Coach| Intuitive Reader

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Weekly Energy Reflection- November 8, 2021-November 14, 2021- Divination- Feather by Nishante Divinelove

Weekly energy reflection is always about reflecting on your own energy, soul and what your energy wants you to know, be aware of. Divination is a way to commute to our guides, messenger spirits whichever form and shape they are in to give us the nudge, guidance in our journey to being one with our … Continue reading Weekly Energy Reflection- November 8, 2021-November 14, 2021- Divination- Feather by Nishante Divinelove


Weekly Healing Crystal: Tourmalated Quartz- Crystal Dawn

Element: Water/Air Tourmalated Quartz is white or clear with sparkling black tourmaline, occasionally pink or even green tourmaline inclusions may be part of the stone. This black within white stone has come to represent a doorway into hidden realms and the triumph of light over darkness, day over night, etc…In modern thought, it is seen to … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Tourmalated Quartz- Crystal Dawn

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Weekly Healing Crystal: Black Tourmaline- Crystal Dawn

Element: Earth and air Black Tourmaline colors are anthracite via bluish-black to ebony. Black tourmaline is a very good stone of protection. It keeps the bad energies of others like envy, jealousy, grudges, and treachery away. It also protects us from our own negative thoughts. It helps us to relax both physically, spiritually, and thereby alleviates … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Black Tourmaline- Crystal Dawn

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Thought for the Week -Lady Dyanna- Spiritual Life Coach Intuitive Reader

“It’s not what’s happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it’s your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you’re going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.” ~ Tony Robbins Thought for the Week — Lady … Continue reading Thought for the Week -Lady Dyanna- Spiritual Life Coach Intuitive Reader