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Dont take your Soul for Granted- Nishante Divinelove

Nothing should be taken for granted in life. Especially not your own soul. Yes I can hear your ego/ conscious mind saying what soul? Who soul? We don’t do souls? Soul is just a word they are not real? Don’t listen to her? She does not know what she is talking about? She is crazy … Continue reading Dont take your Soul for Granted- Nishante Divinelove

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Gnomes are Saying- Nishante Divinelove

My Gnomes are Saying: Magick feeds our soul. It is a necessity just like food, like breathing. Without Magick we are raw and incomplete. How can we separate or stop breathing from ourselves? Just like that we cannot separate Magick from who we are. A body of a soul will find herself or himself feel … Continue reading Gnomes are Saying- Nishante Divinelove

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Look Beyond- Nishante Divinelove

We give sooo much focus on the physical that we miss out on what is actually occurring. And not until our world falls apart we are then forced to look beyond to find the truth. We live like robots constantly in this loop of “physical is what is real because I can see it, if … Continue reading Look Beyond- Nishante Divinelove