reindeer 5635891 1280 Message: Stand tall and maintain your dignity no matter what. Treat yourself with the respect you deserve and appreciate who you are on the inside not what you have learned or someone has told you who you are. What am I bringing to my world? Remember our world is a reflection of … Continue reading Weekly Soul Reflection September 18, 2023 – September 24, 2023- Animal Spirit Oracle Cards- Elk
Tag: soul
Weekly Relationship Awareness September 18, 2023 – September 24, 2023, by Lady Dyanna
Thought for the Week
Weekly Soul Divination- September 11, 2023- September 17, 2023- Animal Spirit Guides- Elk
Maintain your manifestation of your higher self and soul at all times.
Thought for the Week
Weekly Crystal Oracle
Weekly Relationship Awareness September 4, 2023 – September 10, 2023, by Lady Dyanna
Thought for the Week
Weekly Crystal Oracle
Weekly Soul Divination- September 4, 2023- September 10, 2023- Faery Blessings
A Blessing of the Wild Within- The Faery Gift of the Untamed Heart WITHIN ME is a wild Place, a place that is pure and untouched by conditioning and should and should-nots...and it is to this place the Faery blessing of the wild within comes and rests and takes root within me this day. This … Continue reading Weekly Soul Divination- September 4, 2023- September 10, 2023- Faery Blessings