Tag: soul
Weekly Crystal Oracle
Weekly Soul Divination- October 23, 2023- October 29, 2023- Unicorn
Indulge your creative, imaginative, and magickal side through some form of artistic expression. Pixabay image: unicorn 3909694 1280
Weekly Relationship Awareness October 16, 2023 – October 22, 2023, by Lady Dyanna
Thought for the Week
Weekly Soul Divination- October 16, 2023- October 22, 2023- Camel
Trust that you have the resources to get through the challenges before you.
Thought for the Week
Weekly Crystal Oracle- Turquoise
Weekly Soul Divination- October 9, 2023- October 15, 2023- Animal Oracle Card
Have a wonderful week.
Herb of the Month: Calendula- Ravenhawks Unique Handcrafted products
calendula officinalis 681340 1280 1 About the Plant: Calendula Calendula officinalis [Common Names;pot marigold, Common marigold, Ruddles, Mary’s gold, Scotch marigold, Garden marigold, Gold bloom, Holligold, Marigold, Mary Bud, Poet’s marigold Calendula is a member of the aster family, native to Europe and Asia, but widely cultivated around the world. It has bright yellow or … Continue reading Herb of the Month: Calendula- Ravenhawks Unique Handcrafted products