Tag: soul
Thought for the Week- June 12, 2023- June 18, 2023- Lady Dyanna
Weekly Relationship Awareness June 12, 2023- June 18, 2023- Lady Dyanna
Weekly Crystal Oracle
WEEKLY SOUL ENERGY REFLECTION-June 5, 2023 – June 11, 2023- Animal Oracle- UNICORN
Weekly Crystal Oracle- Crystal Dawn- Tigers Eye
Monthly Affirmation- Crystal Dawn Books and Gifts
Herb of the Month- Orchid- Ravenhawk’s Magickal Products
Memorial Day 2023
Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- May 29, 2023- June 4, 2023- Animal Spirit Guides- Condor
Message: Look at the situations and every aspect of your life through the eyes of your soul and higher mind. And before making choices and taking action be mindful and ask your higher mind and soul if these choices and actions belong to your soul. This week is about mastering and knowing who you are … Continue reading Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- May 29, 2023- June 4, 2023- Animal Spirit Guides- Condor