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Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- April 11, 2022 – April 17, 2022- Divination- Yarrow

Pocket of Protection: Yarrow This week's Soul Energy Reflection is about protection. In older times, yarrow traveled with warriors. While her official job was staunching wounds- Keeping the insides in and outsides out- her presence brought bravery to the soldiers she kissed. Today she has much the same task: Yarrow assists you in keeping your … Continue reading Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- April 11, 2022 – April 17, 2022- Divination- Yarrow

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Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- March 28, 2022- April 3, 2022- Divination- Rune

The week's soul energy reflection keywords are intuition, concern, counseling, revelation, change, empowerment, endurance, attaining spirituality, change, easy transition in life, relationship with self. So beginning of the week is about going deeper. Rune laguz represents hidden movement below the surface. You may not be able to see it but things are moving. It also … Continue reading Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- March 28, 2022- April 3, 2022- Divination- Rune