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Weekly Crystal Oracle — Crystal Dawn Books & Gifts

The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle by Judy Hall Rose Quartz unconditional love Rose quartz is full of unconditional love and infinite peace. It draws loving relationships to you, heals past emotional traumas, or provides support during a crisis. Self-understanding: You are a beautiful soul who has infinite peace deep within an enormous empathy. Relationships are where […] … Continue reading Weekly Crystal Oracle — Crystal Dawn Books & Gifts

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Weekly Healing Crystal: Rose Quartz- Crystal Dawn

Element: Fire and Water Rose Quartz is translucent to opaque, light to bright pink, rarely transparent, streaked with natural fissures. Rose quartz owes its name to its color as it was often referred to as rosy quartz. It is believed that rose quartz will make us gentle, but firm: gentle in nature, but firm in action. … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Rose Quartz- Crystal Dawn