"Intuition has two distinct differences from the other senses: 1. It is only a guide for most people, which points in one direction, towards or away from. 2. It is the only sense that is not confirmed in the present moment, but rather the confirmation will take place in the future. These two key differences … Continue reading Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna
Tag: nishante divinelove
Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- April 4, 2022- April 10, 2022- Divination- Herbiary Oracle Cards
This weeks soul energy reflection is about between dreams, releasing rigidity and then ultimately tough love shows up to end our week around how you handle the ups and down of daily life. Its going to be quite a rocking week. Be very alert, mindful this week. Do not hastily make choices and take action … Continue reading Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- April 4, 2022- April 10, 2022- Divination- Herbiary Oracle Cards
Weekly Relationship Awareness April 4, 2022 – April 10, 2022 by Lady Dyanna
“You cannot convince someone to see something that they do not want to see, or just cannot see, no matter how much you know it would improve their life. You have to love and accept them exactly as they are today. If you cannot do that, you have to let them go and find their … Continue reading Weekly Relationship Awareness April 4, 2022 – April 10, 2022 by Lady Dyanna
Thought for the Week- Lady Dyanna
“Viewing rejection as “you’re not good enough” will cause you to try to change in order to become “good enough” for that person or circumstance. Seeing rejection as “it’s not right for you, but they happened to recognize it first,” frees you to find something or someone who is right for you instead. At the … Continue reading Thought for the Week- Lady Dyanna
Weekly Healing Crystal- Chrysolite- Crystal Dawn
Element: Earth Chrysolite comes in a magnificent range of colors that embody both the Earth and the sun. Stone colors vary from olive green to greenish-yellow to golden yellow. Some peridot stones have earthy brown tones that nicely complement the green and gold. The stones derive their emerald hues from traces of iron. These green-yellow gems … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal- Chrysolite- Crystal Dawn
Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- March 28, 2022- April 3, 2022- Divination- Rune
The week's soul energy reflection keywords are intuition, concern, counseling, revelation, change, empowerment, endurance, attaining spirituality, change, easy transition in life, relationship with self. So beginning of the week is about going deeper. Rune laguz represents hidden movement below the surface. You may not be able to see it but things are moving. It also … Continue reading Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- March 28, 2022- April 3, 2022- Divination- Rune
Weekly Healing Crystal: Yellow Jasper- Crystal Dawn
Element: Earth Yellow Jasper is chalcedony quartz it’s an impure silica variety with a smooth surface and opaque transparency. Its colors run from shades of yellow that range from bright yellow to mustard brown. Yellow Jasper was historically revered as a talisman of protection and discernment, utilized by priests, shamans, and spirit guides to guard … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Yellow Jasper- Crystal Dawn
Thought for the Week- by Lady Dyanna
"Old habits die hard, but if you know the results and don't want to see them anymore, you've got to change the choices that keep leading up to them. The more they've happened, the easier it is to recognize a pattern. Most times, you need to be able to see a pattern before you can … Continue reading Thought for the Week- by Lady Dyanna
Weekly Relationship Awareness March 28, 2022 – April 3, 2022, by Lady Dyanna – Your Spiritual Journey
Criticizing one another will only lead to further unhappiness. Love and accept each other as you are and your relationship will magically transform. If you do not love your partner enough to accept them as they are then it is time to think about moving on. We can not change anyone if you entered… Weekly Relationship […]Weekly … Continue reading Weekly Relationship Awareness March 28, 2022 – April 3, 2022, by Lady Dyanna – Your Spiritual Journey
Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna
"If someone spends time going out of their way to harm others, it's really sad. It means they have no clue how precious and brief their own life really is. Don't waste any of your life being angry with them. To do so would be giving them power over your happiness. They will regretfully prove … Continue reading Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna