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A soul defines what her/ his form should be- Nishante Divinelove- Nisha Designs

Who you are on the inside is what matters. Your body, body parts don’t define who you are on the inside! Your body is merely a machine. The energy that is inside of you is what drives the body, form not the body. So this importance we give on how we look and what body … Continue reading A soul defines what her/ his form should be- Nishante Divinelove- Nisha Designs

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Stories Cards and Love- Happy Valentine- Nisha Designs- Ravenhawks Magickal Products Cloaks Candles Ritual Boxes

Valentine’s Day Tradition In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means she will marry him. Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine’s Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If […]Stories … Continue reading Stories Cards and Love- Happy Valentine- Nisha Designs- Ravenhawks Magickal Products Cloaks Candles Ritual Boxes

Lessons in Love from Nature- Animal Valentine-The Nature Conservancy- Nisha Designs

CARDINALS Cardinals are non-migratory birds as they prefer to live within a mile of where they were born. © Linda Yvonne Love is in the air, and not just for humans! Explore the courtship, grooming and everyday behaviors of some iconic New Jersey wildlife. Don’t forget to take notes, as these species know the secret to lasting relationships. […]Lessons … Continue reading Lessons in Love from Nature- Animal Valentine-The Nature Conservancy- Nisha Designs

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Being ONE with The Environment- Nishante Divinelove

Every thought, belief, belief system, emotions and feelings, every choice, every action one takes in life are affecting the environment if it is not positive or serve the greater good. That energy that one puts out there actually gets returned to you times ten fold. Hence we do our inner work. We connect to our … Continue reading Being ONE with The Environment- Nishante Divinelove