Have a wonderful week.
Tag: magick
Herb of the Month: Calendula- Ravenhawks Unique Handcrafted products
calendula officinalis 681340 1280 1 About the Plant: Calendula Calendula officinalis [Common Names;pot marigold, Common marigold, Ruddles, Mary’s gold, Scotch marigold, Garden marigold, Gold bloom, Holligold, Marigold, Mary Bud, Poet’s marigold Calendula is a member of the aster family, native to Europe and Asia, but widely cultivated around the world. It has bright yellow or … Continue reading Herb of the Month: Calendula- Ravenhawks Unique Handcrafted products
Weekly Soul Divination- October 2, 2023- October 8, 2023- Wunjo Rune
Translation: Glory or JoyKeywords: Rewards, success, bliss, recognitionMagical Uses: Attracting motivation, bringing success to projects, completing tasksThis is the end and rebirth cycle which makes this rune positive to draw. This rune was associated with victory, peace, lack of worries and suffering. Wunjo a positive rune. It positively attracts happiness into your life. It suggests … Continue reading Weekly Soul Divination- October 2, 2023- October 8, 2023- Wunjo Rune
Thought for the Week
Weekly Relationship Awareness October 2, 2023 – October 8, 2023, by Lady Dyanna
Weekly Crystal Oracle
Weekly Relationship Awareness September 25, 2023 – October 1, 2023, by Lady Dyanna
Weekly Soul Divination- September 25, 2023- October 1, 2023- Rune- Laguz
Lagus Keyword: Flow, Emotions, Potential, Intuition, Concern, Counseling, Revelation. Magickal Uses: Improving psychic abilities, revealing hidden things, reducing emotional disorders. The energy of Lagus represents love, water, travels over seas and depicts endless possibilities. The place of that unconscious mind where hopes, fears, birth and destruction meet. It invites you to discover your own higher … Continue reading Weekly Soul Divination- September 25, 2023- October 1, 2023- Rune- Laguz
Karana Mudra – Buddha’s Gesture of Expelling Negativity
By Ashish Start practicing Karana Mudra to cultivate spiritual, mental, and emotional benefits. The Philosophy Behind Karana Mudra Its description is mostly found in the Buddhist tradition as Gautam Buddha is generally portrayed meditating in Karana mudra. Karana Mudra signifies the warding off evil and negative energies. The religious and cultural beliefs suggest that Karana … Continue reading Karana Mudra – Buddha’s Gesture of Expelling Negativity
Weekly Crystal Oracle- Amethyst