Tag: magick
Weekly Crystal Oracle- Sunstone
Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- July 10, 2023- July 16, 2023- – Herbiary Oracle Card- Starflower
Some call this plant by her common name- Borage- But she prefers Starflower. Her blue star shaped petals shine among the garden's more usual yellows and pinks, shimmering yet understated, like an old-time movie starlet. Starflower shares a timeless philosophy with these legends of the silver screen: Grace, Starflower knows, is a gift you give … Continue reading Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- July 10, 2023- July 16, 2023- – Herbiary Oracle Card- Starflower
Herb of the Month- Ravenhawks Magickal Products
Join us on Patreon- Nishante Divinelove
Nishante Divinelove is now on Patreon. Here we will be providing more specific details to your spiritual and magickal growth.
Happy 4th of July
Weekly Relationship Awareness July 2, 2023 – July 9, 2023, by Lady Dyanna
Thought for the Week
Weekly Crystal Oracle
Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- July 3, 2023- July 9, 2023- Herbiary oracle Cards- Nettle
If we do not know the names of the plants around us, if we do not acknowledge the individualistic curl of a leaf or creep of a rhizome, they all run together and look like a wall of greenery. That's where we start to generalize, lumping anything without a showy flower into the category of … Continue reading Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- July 3, 2023- July 9, 2023- Herbiary oracle Cards- Nettle