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Happy Thanksgiving- Message-Lady Nishante Divinelove —

May we know that it is divine mother’s grace and invitation that we are born on this divine feminine planet to experience her grace and bounty. May we know that we are guest on her land. May we know that this divine land will always live and thrive with you in it or not. May … Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving- Message-Lady Nishante Divinelove —

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Lughnasadh Blessings- Ravenhawks Magazine- Nishante Divinelove

May you always be happy and thankful with what you have today. May you always harvest and seek the treasure of your heart and not of earth. May you always know the efforts caused by positive or negative thinking and choose positively. May you always know the divine is in me and the true place … Continue reading Lughnasadh Blessings- Ravenhawks Magazine- Nishante Divinelove