Beltane Customs- Fire Festival- Lady Dyanna

Fire was believed to have purifying qualities – it cleansed and rejuvenated both the land and the people.The ritual welcoming of the sun and the lighting of the fires was also believed to ensure the fertility of the land and the people.Animals were transferred from winter pens to summer pastures and were driven between the … Continue reading Beltane Customs- Fire Festival- Lady Dyanna

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Samhain~Halloween Customs and Practices — ravenhawks’ magazine Magick for Mind Body and Soul

This was when cattle and sheep were brought in from summer pasture, all but breeding stock being killed for winter food and making fewer mouths to feed. The last fruit was picked, except that which would be left for the Sidhe, grain was gathered and processed for fodder, flour, and beer. Fishermen put up their … Continue reading Samhain~Halloween Customs and Practices — ravenhawks’ magazine Magick for Mind Body and Soul