Soul Divination- Blue Heron- August 14, 2023- August 20, 2023

great blue heron rebecca field

” Make a stand for what you believe in and do what feels right in spite of any judgment or disapproval from others.”

Trust your deepest sense of knowing what the right action is and do it, and don’t rely on “others” the whispers and noises in your head to tell you what to do or how to act. Not everyone will approve of the decisions you make, and if your choice goes against the grain of what people expect from you, you’ll no doubt run into strong criticism and judgement.

Stand still, look around you and breathe. You’re doing just fine in spite of others assessments of you. Besides, your greatest and most fulfilling support will come from that place inside that guides you your higher self, higher mind and soul by revealing signs that tell you what path to follow. Heeding these signs helps your soul be in alignment with Higher self’s intent for you.

You may have to get both feet in the water and wade through the dregs of other people’s disapproval, asserting yourself where needed. Practical optimism and clarity of purpose will always dissipate any tendencies toward cynicism or self pity. Trust in your inner knowing, inner sensing and let that be the source of your strengths to help you keep moving forward.

*Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Card by Steven D Farmer.

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