Soul Divination- August 21, 2023- August 27, 2023- Polar Bear-Animal Oracle Spirit Guide.

Polar Bear Alaska cropped

Stand up for yourself and speak your truth respectfully and compassionately with no attachment to outcome.

When you express yourself from your heart and from a place of power, it’s an unbeatable combination. You don’t need to growl or bully, nor do you need to fade into the background and deny yourself the opportunity to directly affect the situation. By showing up and being completely present, even when I am simply listening, you’re a force to be reckoned with.

Ask for what you want, and see what happens. Don’t get worked up about how it turns out. You may or may not get what you want, but at least your chances are much better if you do ask. As for setting boundaries with others (such as saying no to requests or demands), when you do so, they may respect those boundaries or try to test them. If they do test the limits you’ve set, stand your ground, be clear, and don’t apologize.

Approach the situation with the purity and innocence of a child and the focused intensity of a true warrior- one who doesn’t speak or act from anger, but from a place of truth and dignity. Know that when you do so, you’ll have nothing to fear.

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